11 research outputs found

    Living Lab - Creative Environment and Thinking Techniques for Tourism Development

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the justification for and efficiency of organising a Living Lab within the higher education system as an environment for the development of stimulating tourism ideas and entrepreneurship recommendations, and compare group creative thinking techniques for generating ideas – brainstorming and brainwriting in the Living Lab organisation – as recommendations for the effectiveness of further research. Through the Living Lab model, the techniques mentioned contribute to the development of creativity and generate quality and innovative ideas and, in accordance with these, the most efficient model for problem-solving in the tourism environment is proposed. The purpose of the article is to present an innovative model for consideration and evaluation of problems and potential solutions in tourism entrepreneurship. The summarised considerations represent a scientific contribution to the new theory of problem solving and innovations in tourism entrepreneurship


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    Indoor camping is an innovative accommodation solution aimed at accommodation event pariticipants close to the venue, especially in cases when a destination's accommodation capacity is insufficient. The concept of indoor camping combines the elements of campsites and hostels without catering services. It puts into use already existing buildings and requires their minimal aleration for tourism purposes. The temporary character of the building is what makes the accommodation model one of the kind because guests sleep indoors, on the floor, using their own sleeping bags. This allows a multifunctional use of the real estate and almost no required construction works. Other strength points are definitely the premier location and affordable prices.The goal of thi spaper is to explore the attitudes of possibly affected stakeholders regarding the introduction of indoor camping. The research methodology includes structured questionnaire and interview with stakeholders and other scientific qualitative and quantitative methods of research. A SWOT analysis summarises the research as well as other observations and obstacles based on the researched development model.The potential of indoor camping mightbenefit events, local communities, tourists and destinations. It could have the power to revive vacant  buildings or provide a new function for already existing buildings without, however, permanentlymodifying their common purpose. Since very basic special alterations should be needed, sustainable principles of tourism development are respected

    Enhancing Digital Promotion of Cultural Attractions: Assessing Websites, Online Marketing Tools and Smart Technologies

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    Background: Built heritage in developed tourism destinations presents a resource of attractiveness, and its presentation through digital technology impacts the perception of culture. Objectives: The paper aims to determine opportunities for further development of digital promotion of cultural attractions by identifying the potential of websites, online marketing tools and smart technologies implemented by tourism attraction decision-makers. Methods/Approach: Qualitative and qualitative research methods were used as longitudinal research and structured interviews with decision-makers of the tourist destination. Results: Positive developments in implementing the digital promotion of cultural heritage during and after the pandemic are evident, but not fast enough considering the accelerated development of new smart technologies. At the same time, decision-makers recognise the importance of the digital promotion of cultural heritage. However, they are still unfamiliar with the possibilities of smart technology to affirm the digital promotion of cultural heritage. Conclusions: The paper points to the conclusion of how the advantages and potentials of developing a smart culture in destinations, recognised as a strategic policy of development, are implemented in the digital marketing of heritage sites


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    Less equipped than hostels, indoor camping provides shelter - which is what primarily differentiates it from classic, open-air camping. Beyond hospitality, it can be compared somewhat to squatting, but legally regulated for tourism purposes, since visitors sleep on the floor using their own sleeping bags. Unlike other solid tourism facilities, including second homes, the property is not only in function of holidaying but also in use for other purposes: it can be a gym, a local community club etc. This temporality and thus multifunctional use of the property is what makes indoor camping a unique model of hospitality. The attitudes of young generations regarding such a tourism product were investigated with the goal of forming a marketable model. The research was carried out on an intentional sample of students. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of sustainability as a prerequisite for youth festivals tourism destinations dealing with peak periods of visiting and to lobby for creating an adequate legal framework that would allow this model to take hold in practice. The originality of this paper is represented by conceptual mapping of indoor camping as an innovative tourism accommodation in the broadest sense according to purpose and time dimension. The potential of indoor camping might benefit all three basic entities of sustainability. It has the power to put into function vacant buildings or enrich already existing ones by adding hospitality as a new role, without, however, permanently modifying their primary purpose

    Sustainable Solutions in the Hospitality Industry and Competitiveness Context of “Green Hotels”

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    This interdisciplinary paper researches the importance of sustainable hotel engineering and organisation of facilities for the purposes of realisation of a sustainable and responsible hospitality facility business. Considered through the interdisciplinary aspect, at the same time, it represents a research goal with the focus on the segment of youth tourists, who, as existing consumers of low-budget expenditure, are turning into DINKY, as well as the segment of conscious adult consumers in the future. The paper, through a questionnaire, researches the perception of the importance of resource management, with the implementation of innovative technologies by youth tourists’ related attitudes and experiences. The methodology is based predominantly on qualitative research methods and includes analysis and conceptual methodology and survey research methods of youth tourists’ attitudes. The quantitative research was processed by using the statistical methodology combined with techniques of creative thinking formation. The results point to the predominance of importance in which over 90% of respondents confirm the importance of sustainable initiatives and resource management with the following rank: food, water, energy, and waste management. Further analysis implies an opposite attitude where only 52.9% of participants would be willing to pay higher prices for sustainable solutions in hotels. The results and recommendations contribute to knowledge and ideas by recognizing competitiveness of hotels, which design and engineer the business system and operations with support of sustainable technologies in an interdisciplinary way. The paper also contributes to the comprehension of combined and successfully communicated economic and marketing values of sustainable innovations supported by digital technologies


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    Turizam kao strateški razvojni sektor kako Hrvatske pa tako i Istre kao najrazvijenije hrvatske turističke regije snažan je pokretač i podrška razvoju nacionalnoga blagostanja s ekonomskoga, kulturnoga i ekološkoga aspekta. Da bi Istra kao turistička destinacija u sklopu koje egzistira hotelska ponuda bila atraktivna analizira se njezina kompleksnost te se sagledavaju čimbenici koji utječu na njezinu konkurentnost na domaćem i međunarodnom turističkom tržištu. Kompleksnost ponude turističke destinacije uključuje ponajprije sagledavanje nositelja turističke ponude u smislu smještajnih sadržaja. Kreiranje i organizacija hotelskog proizvoda bez strateškog razvoja destinacije rezultira ponudom koji ne zadovoljava zahtjeve potražnje globalnoga tržišta. Hotelsko poduzeće kao najznačajniji čimbenik turističke destinacije razvija svoju ponudu i sadržaje sukladno potražnji tržišta ali i potencijalima lokaliteta i regije u kojoj je ustrojeno. Prepoznaju se tržišne niše i segmenti tržišta prema kojima se kreira posebna hotelska i destinacijska ponuda koja se ciljano plasira na međunarodnom turističkom tržištu u cilju postizanja cjelogodišnjeg intenziviranja turističkih kretanja. Ključ uspjeha dobro organizirane turističke destinacije leži u sinergijskom djelovanju svih pet ključnih čimbenika organizacije ukupne turističke ponude u koje se ubrajaju privredna poduzeća kao objekti ponude, državne institucije u koje spadaju jedinice lokalne samouprave, ministarstvo turizma i turističke zajednice te naposljetku lokalno stanovništvoTourism, a sector for the strategic development of Croatia and Istria as the most developed Croatian tourist region provides a strong driving force and impetus for the development of national prosperity in terms of economy, culture and environmental protection. In order to transform Istria into an attractive tourist destination with adequate hotel offer, the complexity of the tourist destination is analysed. Furthermore, factors affecting the competitiveness of hotel offer in the national and international tourism market are analysed. Any study of the complexity of tourist destination offer must take into account offer providers, i.e. accommodation facilities. Creating and organising the hotel product, without implementing a strategic development of the destination, results in an offer that does not satisfy global market demand. A hotel company as the most important factor for the tourist destination develops its offer and contents based on market demand but also based on the resources of the region where it is organised. Niche markets and market segments are identified according to which a specialised hotel and destination offer is designed. The offer is then placed at the international market with the objective of achieving year-long tourist movement. The key to success of a well organized tourist destination lies in the synergic effect of all five major factors of overall tourism offer organisation. These factors include companies providing accommodation facilities, government institutions which include local self-government, the Ministry of Tourism, the Tourist Board and finally, the local population. Customers or consumers of tourist services are more experienced and have greater demands in terms of new experience, knowledge, skills and memories worth remembering. Learning, having fun, aesthetic values and physical activity are all motives influencing their experience, which can find affirmation through a high-quality destination and hotel offer

    Specialized SMEs in the Hotel Industry and Market Positioning in Croatia

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    Celem artykułu jest badanie pozycjonowania małych i średnich firm hotelowych – przedsiębiorstw branży turystycznej – w konkurencyjnym środowisku, jak również zastanowienie się nad możliwościami dalszego rozwoju ich potencjału. Wykorzystując badania i uzyskaną wiedzę, przedstawiono potencjał przyszłej działalności oraz możliwości promowania MŚP na międzynarodowych rynkach turystycznych.Pozycjonowanie chorwackiego przemysłu hotelarskiego zostało zbadane za pomocą ilościowych i jakościowych metod naukowych oraz wywiadów. Następnie zbadano opinie kierowników włoskich hoteli, gdzie turystyka i przemysł hotelarski są uznawane za przodujące w MŚP i źródło najlepszych praktyk oraz mogące stanowić przykład dla rozwijających się rynków. Jednocześnie przeprowadzono badania kwestionariuszowe postaw turystów, posługując się metodologiami statystycznymi.Wyniki tych badań wskazują na istotność specjalizacji małych i średnich hoteli stosujących odpowiedni marketing, w tym wszystkie składniki służące do promowania produktu hotelowego przystosowanego do współczesnych trendów dyktowanych wymaganiami turystów. Badania potwierdzają celowość pracy i sugerują nowe pytania skierowane na ciągłą działalność mającą na celu optymalizację pozycjonowania rynkowego w przemyśle hotelarskim. Praca ta innowacyjnie lokuje wyspecjalizowane MŚP w kontekście rozwoju.The aim of this paper is to research the positioning of small- and medium-sized hotel companies as entrepreneurships in the tourism business competitive environment as well as to consider further development potential. Potential for future activities and possibilities of valorization of SME companies on the international tourism market are presented through examination and the knowledge gained. The positions of the Croatian hotel industry have been looked at using scientific quantitative, statistical, and qualitative interview methods. This was followed by research into the opinions of Italian hotel managers, where Italian tourism and its hotel industry are recognized as a leader in SME hotel entrepreneurship – a source of best practice that developing markets could learn from. On the other hand, the survey research of tourist attitudes was investigated using statistical methodology. Research results point to the importance of specialization on the part of small- and medium-sized hotels with the implementation of an adequate marketing mix. This includes all the components that valorize a hotel product adapted to modern trends dictated by tourist demand. This research also affirmed the purpose of the paper, opening new questions directed at the continuous activities of market positioning optimization in the hotel industry. The paper puts specialized SME entrepreneurship into the developmental context in an innovative way

    Living Lab - Intelligent Innovation Support for Tourism Development

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse the justification for and efficiency of the organisation of a Living Lab within the higher education system as an environment for the development of stimulating tourism ideas and entrepreneurship recommendations. The paper proposes the methodology by means of which the set problem area would be addressed and innovative solutions and recommendations reached for tourism entrepreneurship.For the purposes of identification of the concept elements and research methodology which the “Living Lab”, as an innovative dynamic laboratory implements, quantitative statistics and qualitative methods of creative thinking Brainstorming and Brainwriting are analysed in the paper. Through the Living Lab model, they contribute to the development of creativity and generate quality and innovative ideas and, in accordance with these, establishment of the most efficient model for problem solving in the tourism environment is proposed.The purpose of the paper is to present an innovative model of consideration and evaluation of problems and potential solutions in tourism entrepreneurship. Summarised considerations represent a scientific contribution to the new theory of problem solving and innovations in tourism entrepreneurship. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Hvis Konkurrencestaten er truet, er det ikke af underernæring, men af overvægt

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse the justification for and efficiency of the organisation of a Living Lab within the higher education system as an environment for the development of stimulating tourism ideas and entrepreneurship recommendations. The paper proposes the methodology by means of which the set problem area would be addressed and innovative solutions and recommendations reached for tourism entrepreneurship.For the purposes of identification of the concept elements and research methodology which the “Living Lab”, as an innovative dynamic laboratory implements, quantitative statistics and qualitative methods of creative thinking Brainstorming and Brainwriting are analysed in the paper. Through the Living Lab model, they contribute to the development of creativity and generate quality and innovative ideas and, in accordance with these, establishment of the most efficient model for problem solving in the tourism environment is proposed.The purpose of the paper is to present an innovative model of consideration and evaluation of problems and potential solutions in tourism entrepreneurship. Summarised considerations represent a scientific contribution to the new theory of problem solving and innovations in tourism entrepreneurship. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p